Saturday, April 17, 2010

Rib anatomy

All ribs are attached in the back to the thoracic vertebrae.

The upper seven true ribs (costae verae, vertebrosternal ribs, I-VII). are attached in the front to the sternum by means of costal cartilage. Due to their elasticity they allow movement when inhaling and exhaling.

The 8th, 9th, and 10th ribs are called false ribs (costae spuriae, vertebrochondral ribs, VIII-X), and join with the costal cartilages of the ribs above.

The 11th and 12th ribs are known as floating ribs (costae fluitantes, vertebral ribs, XI-XII), as they do not have any anterior connection to the sternum.

The spaces between the ribs are known as intercostal spaces; they contain the intercostal muscles, nerves, and arteries.

The human rib parts:

  • The head is the end of a rib closest to the vertebral column.
  • The Costovertebral joints are the articulations that connect the heads of the ribs to the thoracic vertebrae and is called the costotransverse joint.
  • The neck is the flattened portion which extends lateralward from the head.
  • The tubercle is an eminence on the posterior surface.
  • The angle is a bending part.
The parts of the rib


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