Sunday, April 18, 2010

Digital single lens reflex cameras

Digital single-lens reflex cameras (DSLRs) are digital cameras based on film single-lens reflex cameras (SLRs). They take their name from their unique viewing system, in which a mirror reflects light from the lens through a separate optical viewfinder. In order to capture an image the mirror is flipped out of the way, allowing light to fall on the imager. Since no light reaches the imager during framing, autofocus is accomplished using specialized sensors in the mirror box itself. Most 21st century DSLRs also have a "live view" mode that emulates the live preview system of compact cameras, when selected.

These cameras have much larger sensors than the other types, typically 18 mm to 36 mm on the diagonal (crop factor 2, 1.6, or 1). This gives them superior low-light performance, less depth of field at a given aperture, and a larger size.

Cutaway of an Olympus E-30 DSLR
Olympus E-420 Four Thirds entry-level DSLR
Digital single-lens reflex cameras (DSLRs) are digital cameras based on film single-lens reflex

The mirror flipping out of the way at the moment of exposure makes a distinctive "clack" sound.


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